Following the reflections made by Benedict XVI, the need for a 'hermeneutic of continuity' as opposed to a 'hermeneutic of rupture' has often been heard, and it lays claim to being able to interpret the unfolding story of the Faith in a dialectic manner. In the case of the liturgy this continuity is twofold. Firstly it is a continuity that exists in time, an historical or 'diachronic' continuity.
According to this continuity, through the centuries the same rite retains its fundamental identity, both dogmatic and liturgical, amid various successive developments in the details in their texts or rites. At the same time, there is another kind of continuity which, without completely losing its temporal dimension, is more concerned with space than with time, and its continuity is of a more 'synchronic' sort. Thus in the same historical period there are several traditions that coexist, and, whatever their differences (sometimes remarkable), maintain a deep doctrinal identity. We intend to develop this site in a systematic investigation of both aspects of liturgical continuity.
Studia Liturgica, intends to difuse, in the field of scientific research and in a manner commensurate with their resources, the spirit that encourages the Centre International d'Etudes Liturgi
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